Struggling with Anxiety

I struggle with anxiety… and I want to share some of what God has recently taught me.

Struggling with anxiety is not the result of weak faith, nor does it mean that you are less of a Christian. There are many reasons for anxiety including: genetics, illness, trauma, lack of rest, and medications to name few. In fact, even the choicest of God’s servants struggled with anxiety.

Obadiah courageously rescued many prophets during Jezebel’s reign of terror, yet he struggled with anxiety. He had anxiety over whether or not Elijah would sell him out to Ahab. His anxiety was acerbated by believing that some sin was the reason behind his feelings (1 Kings 18:2-15). In reality, there was no sin, just bad circumstances and misperceptions.

Elijah experienced God’s faithfulness time and again (1 Kings 17:1-24). God gave him a great victory over the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18), yet he struggled with anxiety. He had anxiety over the fact that Jezebel wanted him dead. As a result, he ran for his life. His anxiety was acerbated by physical and mental burnout.

Paul was commissioned the apostle to the Gentiles, experienced God’s miraculous power, and penned much of the New Testament. Paul himself wrote ‘be anxious for nothing’, yet he struggled with anxiety. He had anxiety regarding the Corinthians’ acceptance of his previous letter (2 Corinthians 12:4). He had anxiety regarding the fate of Titus that he refused an opportunity to preach (2 Corinthians 2:12-13). His anxiety was acerbated by his concern and love for his fellow saints and friends.

When one of His dear one’s struggles with anxiety, Jesus does not shake His head in disappointment. Instead, He ask us to give those anxieties to Him (1 Peter 5:7). Jesus is our Creator who knows our frailty (Psalm 103:13-14). Jesus is our Friend who was touched with the same ‘feelings’ of weakness (Hebrews 4:14-15). Jesus is our Arbitrator who goes before the Father on our behalf (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25).

I have prayed often that this ‘thorn’ would be removed, but it appears for the time that God has placed it or allowed it in my life for a purpose (Romans 8:28). If anything, my struggle has made me more sensitive to others who struggle and more dependent on Jesus.

Jesus’ grace is sufficient for me… His strength works when I’m at my weakest… I will rejoice in my weakness so that His strength will work through me (cf. 2 Corinthians 12:9).

I do not claim to have all the answers about anxiety, but I know the One who does and am thankful that He cares for me!